A Look at the Amazon

A Look at the Amazon

Only when the last tree has been cut down, the last fish been caught, and the last stream poisoned, will we realize we cannot eat money.

– Cree Indian Prophecy

The Amazon forest is a major element of climate stability in most of South America. The rainforest also affects the rest of the planet. The forest regulates the rain cycle and the complex system of water essential for the sustainability of life in the Pantanal. It also supplies most of the water for the South and Southeastern regions of Brazil. This vast forest makes possible agriculture and life in the several ecosystems existent in the country.

Who or what is responsible for the destruction of the Amazon forest? The obvious answer is, of course, the negligence of the Brazilian government. But who else might be responsible? What about the big landowners and commodity companies or the importers of beef and soybeans that make it profitable to clear the forest? What about those who import the felled trees?

Day by day this ravaging is catching the attention of the world. The Amazon rainforest loses territory to cattle pastures, logging, and other activities related to mining. The destruction of the rainforest continues growing at an alarming speed. Many have something to say about the forest damage but the noise is innocuous. There is no real action to protect the Amazon in place. No multilateral action is in place. There is no intention to curb the imports of wood, soybeans, or animal protein.

Who to blame

The calculated indifference of the Brazilian government to the chaotic use and abuse of the Amazon is blatant and unquestionable. They demonstrate an inability to understand the damage which will cause disastrous consequences to the country in the foreseeable future.

For instance, we see with distress the ecosystem disappearing, the centenary trees falling down, unique species vanishing at a vicious pace. Is there a mental incapacity of the government to understand the importance of the forest? As a result of the deforestation, countries like Brazil will be most affected by the unbalance of the climate.

Firstly, what about the ones who finance and own huge pieces of land, planting soybeans and raising cattle for export markets? Secondly, the mining companies that leave trails of destruction where they pass by, polluting, poisoning the soil and water in the region?

What about those on the other side of the ocean who try to make believe they care for the planet or the forest. The knocked down trees are bought without any thought or constraint. Smugglers from around the world are taking animals, birds, plants, and all kinds of material from the Amazon. However, nothing seems to preoccupy any government.

Can someone imagine an environmental crime without any profitable intention?   The culprits hide behind big companies that help perpetuate these felonies. There are no consequences, no fear, no questions, the notion to be wrong are dismissed.

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