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Rare Bush Dog Sighted in Brazil

Rare Bush Dog Sighted in Brazil

A rare Bush Dog sighted in Brazil. The Bush Dog (Speothos venaticus) is also called the Vinegar Dog, and was recently caught on a camera trap in the privately-owned Reserva Natural Serra do Tombador in the municipality of Cavalcante in Goias state. The reserve, which is maintained by Fundação Grupo Boticário de Proteção à Natureza, has been surveying the local fauna with the use of camera traps.

Bush Dog (Speothos venaticus)
Animals Network Editors. “Bush Dog” Animals.Net. 2021. (accessed January 1, 2021).
Bush Dog (Speothos venaticus)
Animals Network Editors. “Bush Dog” Animals.Net. 2021. (accessed January 1, 2021).

Bush Dog Range and Sightings

The Bush Dog has an extensive range over much of South America, however sightings are very rare. According to the IUCN the species in Near Threatened, with a population trending downward.

Bush Dog (Speothos venaticus)
Animals Network Editors. “Bush Dog” Animals.Net. 2021. (accessed January 1, 2021).
Bush Dog (Speothos venaticus)
Animals Network Editors. “Bush Dog” Animals.Net. 2021. (accessed January 1, 2021).

Canids of Brazil

A variety of canines (Canidae) are endemic to Brazil. The most well known are the Maned Wolves (Chrysocyon brachyurus), which is the largest canine species of South America and weighs up to about 75 pounds.

All of these species are in some degree threatened, mostly due to habitat reduction.

Canids of Brazil
Vinegar Dog is related to the Maned Wolf — Photo: Illustration Tomas Sigrist/ Arte TG

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