Is Covid-19 a reaction of a sick Planet?

Is Covid-19 a reaction of a sick Planet?

Many of us question everyday the origin of a lethal virus which has taken thousands of lives and brought pain and despair to everybody all over the Globe. In every corner of the world there was an empty chair at the Christmas table and the joy of the season was taken away by a terrible pandemic. We listen to scientists, because we believe in science but many of our questions are still unanswered.

When we reflect, we realize how badly the Earth has being treated. Mountains of plastic are being dumped in the seas killing maritime life, forests are being cut down and burnt, extinguishing habitat for endangered species. Mining companies are creating huge craters poisoning rivers and lakes, excess consumption is driving it all.

Government shirks the responsibility to take charge, big companies rule the planet for their own profit, enough is never enough for the predators of the planet and here we are, without knowing what will come next.

Adding to these thoughts see the excellent articles in the links below.

Is Coronavirus Good for Our Sick Planet?

A Time to Save the Sick and Rescue the Planet

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