The Ones Who Challenge the Virus

The Ones Who Challenge the Virus

The refusal to wear a mask and to form agglomerations seems to be a current affair in the distribution of Covid-19 nowadays. The ones who challenge the virus putting themselves at risk and infecting others should be held accountable.

We read on any press platform news about people protesting lock-downs and against the use of masks. They were promoting rallies for no reason. Some were in denial about the vaccines, discrediting science and making all of them the agents of the pandemic.

New Year’s celebrations were canceled in the big cities around the Globe to avoid crowds in the middle of the pandemic. Fireworks were not seen by millions who, during the past years were used to the New Year passage spectacle. Big cities were empty and respected the moment of distress on our planet.

In many cities around the world, social media and newspapers have shown people gathered without masks taking the risk of contracting the malady. They exposed themselves and brought the virus to be spread wherever they would go afterward.

Despite strict measures by local government, some got together in coastal cities, bars, hotels, ignoring rules, and recommendations. They seem to be inconsequential and do not understand they are turning into the vehicle of contamination.

When so many people are suffering, so many are dying it is impossible to comprehend how some can find a motivation to party. Their lack of empathy is evident and puts themselves as individuals at risk and others as well.

It is hard to visualize what is in the mind of those who infect themselves and many others. They know all about the mortal disease, about numbers of deaths about hospitals without capacity. There is no legitimate motive to celebrate in the middle of a public health crisis like that. Only one thing can be said, the ones who challenge the virus are the accomplices of the disease.

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