Surviving Covid-19

Surviving Covid-19

We have been deeply confused for a whole year as this pandemic spread around the Globe. The end of it all is still unseen. Surviving Covid-19 has been a long period of fear and anguish, hoping for some miracle to happen and save all of us.

The Covid-19 pandemic may not be over in the foreseeable future. All of us have been scared, astonished, and lost because there was nothing comparable to this virus in our lifetime. We never hid in caves, but we are hiding inside of our houses just like we were in a war.

We have lost sleep thinking about the negligence of some family members, losing patience seeing so many people ignore the lethality of the disease. There are so many doubting the opinion of those who have dedicated their lives to science, so many in denial.

We have lost the concentration to read and we escape watching the news on TV avoiding the bad news. Each day, in most countries around the world the number of lost lives goes up. Everybody feels the pain of those who lost their loved ones, the agony of the health workers in hospitals. We do not quite understand why the virus takes some people and spares others.

We wonder why some still do not respect the rules. They expose themselves when they go out without real reasons. Why they refuse to wear masks and keep social distances, we do not know what they have in their minds. They underestimate the power of a virus that has bent entire nations. Because of their behavior, they not only get sick but infect many others as well.

As a result, we have learned how to look at the whole picture, look at people, look at the whole planet with different eyes. The pain has changed us, it has molded us into different people. We have asked questions never imagined before. We have exposed our souls, for instance, never having done so during our lives.

Covid-19 has scared all of us, messing with our lives, but we acquire some positive attitudes. We developed detachment from things, from memories, from people as we once did.

With Covid-19 we have tried to be more creative, more solidarity, to learn more, and to work to become better persons! That will help us to face these dark days and to improve our lives surviving Covid-19.

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