Mining Disasters
Mining, an activity that hurts the Earth

Mining, an activity that hurts the Earth

Mining is an activity that hurts the planet Earth. All over the world, the demand for goods by people, the uncontrolled consumption of modern life, the insane search for wealth has driven companies to the compulsive and exaggerated use of Earth’s natural resources.  

There are many categories of mines, the most well-known are coal, salt, gold, silver, and iron, but there are other categories of mineral extractions like petroleum and natural gas.  

Mining means digging, extracting material from the soil, provoking deforestation, poisoning rivers and lakes on all the continents. 

Accidents from mining happen all the time, destroying local flora, fauna and killing people as well.  

Big craters, contaminated water sources, ponds and reservoirs are left behind in the destructive track of mining because of humanity’s irresponsible search for riches.  

The accidents resulting from mining are huge craters, subsidences, sinkholes, destruction of stretches of forests and communities and extermination of unique flora and fauna. 

Mines not only cause floods, fire, and toxic atmospheric pollutants, but the collapse of entire large areas putting people’s life at risk.  

There are horrible mining accidents all over the planet that hurt people and the planet, mining does not rest.  

There are no consequences in some countries for those responsible for the criminal disasters in this activity. Loss of life is overlooked, no empathy, no regret, no compensation, no bonding with the pain of the ones who lost their lives, their houses, their land, their health. 

Mining hurts the planet like nails stuck in a body, pieces of metal that hurt, that make you bleed, causing intense pain and may be causing the planet to react. 

You may say: “but you like your refrigerator, your toaster”! Yes, I do, but I do not need to change them every year. I, as everybody else living on the planet have the obligation to care for it! 

Follow Beyond Curiosity

We at Beyond Curiosity plan to make the examination of the destruction caused by mining and other mineral extraction activities a primary emphasis of our reporting. Follow us to be informed on this topic and be on the lookout for the effects of mining activity that hurts the Earth in your region. 

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