Mining Disasters
Mining Disasters – A Look at the dam collapse at Brumadinho

Mining Disasters – A Look at the dam collapse at Brumadinho

It was January 29th, 2019, more than two years ago. A major collapse of an iron mining dam shocked Brazil and the world. A giant tailing pond on the top of a mountain surrounded by forest failed and tons of waste material ran down into the valleys.

A tsunami of mud, water and mineral remains buried valleys, houses, inns, roads in a devastating ride over many kilometers.

270 persons were caught by surprise and unable to run from the scary wave, lost their lives.

Animals, plants, ecosystems disappeared in the rapid sea of toxic elements. Rivers and their tributaries were invaded by the toxic mud killing fishes, algae and contaminating clean water.

People in the affected area lost their lives, their houses, their animals, their land, and their peace of mind.

The dam belonged to the same company that years earlier was responsible for another fatal disaster in the neighboring city of Mariana.

The company ignored prior warnings and the apparent conditions of risk to the mine operation. Their irresponsible negligence took lives and caused a path of destruction for thousands of miles.

Mining has a history of destruction all over the world. People’s lives are destroyed, nature is attacked but nothing seems to reach the conscience of companies run by certain people.

Justice in some parts of the globe is slow or inexistent. There are no personal consequences for criminal acts like these. Mine operators continue disregarding rules, laws, and morals. The only thing in their heads are profits no matter how obtained.

If the world needs mining to continue, rules cannot be ignored. There must be safer and more responsible ways to develop that activity even if it costs more money to avoid hurting people and the planet. There must be consequences for the people who disregard mine safety, and the rest of us must accept the increased cost of the products produced.

image sources

  • Brumadinho, Minas Gerais: Image Credit: Ibama from Brasil, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

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