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Has the Sailing Stones mystery been solved?

Has the Sailing Stones mystery been solved?

One of the more intriguing mysteries in the natural world is found deep in the backcountry of Death Valley National Park in California. The park is located in southwestern California, roughly between Las Vegas NV, and Bakersfield. The park has a dry lake or playa where the stones can be found. Many theories have been advanced to try to explain what is happening, and we ask: has the Sailing Stones mystery finally been solved?

Located about 25 miles from park headquarters at Furnace Creek, the Racetrack is a playa or dry lake. While the distance seems small, park authorities recommend that only well-equipped visitors, with a 4 x 4 and plenty of fuel and water attempt the trip. It can take over three hours each way and the roads are very primitive. Also, there is no cell service in the area.

The Sailing Stones, sometimes called sliding rocks or walking rocks were first documented around 1915. A prospector passing through the area noted them. Through the years since then, many theories have been tested and discarded, the mystery remaining unsolved.

Finally, in the period from December 2013 to January 2014 a team of scientists documented multiple stones in movement. Some moving more than 220 meters! While many of the theories have included ice and wind in the process, none imagined anything like what they observed. While Death Valley is one of the hottest and driest places on earth it does sometimes rain, and it gets cold in the winter.

In some years there is enough rain to form a thin layer of water over the lake bed. During cold winter nights, a few millimeters of ice can form. As the ice breaks up in the morning it can push the stones as it slides across the slick muddy surface of the playa. Some stones can go many years without moving, and then move many feet in a single night! Strong winds are not required, only a few miles an hour, due to the extremely slippery surface of the mud.

So to answer our initial question, has the Sailing Stones mystery finally been solved, the answer is: yes!

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