Around the World
Antarctica, The Unknown Continent

Antarctica, The Unknown Continent

Antarctica, the unknown continent, free from humans, remains independent, sovereign. Antarctica protects itself from the actions of mining and of the garbage of excess consumption. The photos of the clean, pristine beauty of this white land are impressive. People can touch the shore of the peninsula but cannot range into the interior.

When looking at a world map down South we can spot a small, small little white point containing the geographic South Pole.

Compared to the other continents on a global map, the white point looks tiny, insignificant but it is misrepresented in relation to other land masses.

 Antarctica’s real size is immense but is shown in the world maps as something many times smaller than its real dimensions.

Land of many fantasy stories, conspiracy theories of intelligent beings with human forms and lost civilizations living inside the ice. Superior creatures that came from space, hiding in the cold tunnels, and many other narratives.

Antarctica is the southernmost and last unexplored land mass on the surface of the Earth, also the most untouchable place by men and the most preserved.

Antarctica encloses the geographic South Pole and does not offer conditions for human life due to the harsh weather. Not even animals or plants can survive inland except for penguins on the shores of the Antarctica Peninsula.

Antarctica changes size every season. The continent is about 14.2 million square kilometers (5.5 million square miles), about the size of the US and Mexico combined. The icy shelves along the coast can double the continent’s size every winter.

The Antarctic continent is surrounded by free floating ice shelves that can reach about 600 meters deep  and are rigidly attached to the continent. The continental ice sheet, at its thickest point, reaches over 4.500 meters deep.

According to live Science the continent is divided into two regions known as West and East Antarctica. East Antarctica contains two thirds of the continent. The East Antarctic ice sheet is about two kilometers thick on average. West Antarctica, on the other hand, contains a series of small islands that spread in the direction of the southern point of Patagonia in Argentina and Chile.

This mysterious continent with its striking beauty is inaccessible to men because of the extreme weather conditions and thanks to this, remains unharmed from human activities.

Surrounded by the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, Antarctica remains as the continent of silence where one can only hear the wind which sound increases as its speed accelerates.

The power of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current has sunk innumerous ships out looking for riches. The phenomenon protects the continent and its mysteries.

Antarctica is a fascinating land unrevealed and unsoiled by people that should continue just like it is, untouchable, known only in our imagination.

Antarctica, the unknown continent is a sacred and self-protected land, and so it must be.

image sources

  • antarctica-60608_960_720: Pixabay
  • antarctica-2681410_1920: Pixabay

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