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Animal Cruelty – Foie Gras

Animal Cruelty – Foie Gras

Produced by animal cruelty, Foie gras is a delicacy from an ancient tradition in French cuisine. Foie gras is an exquisite specialty food made of goose liver that has been artificially fattened by a cruel forced-feeding method. 

For many years rich people have eaten this luxury treat all over the world but it is not affordable for most of mankind. 

The origin of Foie Grass goes back around 2.000 years before Christ in Egypt. It is an ancient practice of forcing geese and ducks to eat thereby deforming their livers with extreme fat by a system called gavage. 


Gavage is a way to feed the birds through a tool in the form of a tube leading down the throat directly to the stomach. This process puts geese in extreme agony which is dismissed by farmers due to the enormous gains they obtain with the product. 

Animal Cruelty - Foie Gras
Mulard duck force-feeding – Gavage

Total prohibition of production, sale and consumption of foie gras was enacted in California in 2004. After a long series of legal battles in state and federal courts, the production prohibition was upheld but importation and consumption were permitted. In this way, a long dispute between farmers, restaurateurs, and militants against animal cruelty came to an end. 

In May 2015, the city council of the Brazilian city of São Paulo banned the sale of foie gras in restaurants and specialty food stores in a unanimous vote due to the animal cruelty used to produce the delicacy.  

In November 2019, the City Council of New York passed an ordinance prohibiting the commerce of foie grass to be put into effect in 2022. 

Animal cruelty is not a noble action, on the contrary, it is a barbarian practice, animals share the same space as humans do on our planet, they need to be respected. 

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