Music is a balsam for the soul

Music is a balsam for the soul

Music is a refuge in these traumatic times of Pandemic when we realize that we never have been so stressed out. Music is balsam for the pressure of seeing so much human pain and suffering. 

Music brings us consolation, calmness, memories, reaffirmation to our troubled minds, it is where we meet peace. 

Music at any moment releases the pressure and helps us to think better in many ways, music is one of the joys of life. 

“A strange art – music – the most poetic and precise of all the arts, vague as a dream and precise as algebra.” – Guy de Maupassant. 

America the music land has a superabundance of great musicians. Beyond Curiosity selected one of the best, Ry Cooder. He is a genius of the guitar, a kind of a Mozart of the 20th century.  

The magic touch of Cooder on his guitar strings brings us a sort of well-being, feelings that cannot be described with words.  

The sound of his guitar goes straight to our soul with no need for lyrics, no need for singing. Ry Cooder, an artist who deserves the recognition of the whole world for such a wonderful life dedicated to real music. 

“Music is the shorthand of emotion.” – Leo Tolstoy 

Long-life to Ry Cooder and to all music creators who bring us so much joy. 

image sources

  • IMG_9988: © https://beyond-curiosity.com

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