The discontent of our planet!
Our planet, a creature of many secrets, follows the track of an eternal voyage through the Universe.
Our planet is something magic, alive, pulsing, moving, reacting, changing, and continuing on an undefined trip. Earth our planet, acts against the multitude of threats from space and from what its inhabitants do to its own body.
Our planet is a celestial body that follows a trajectory along with the solar system and we don’t know the destination.
The planet has its own ways to say enough is enough. The origin of discontent of our planet comes from the huge quantity of garbage thrown in the Oceans, the enormous amount of CO2 generated by airplanes, cars, and factories, the insane forest devastation, and the absurd irrational consumption.
From the outside, our planet uses its magnetic field to defend itself from the deadly action of solar radiation, from meteors and other possible perils.
These days, Earth is speaking through events to the ones who want to listen. In the middle of a lethal pandemic, the planet has been showing its discontent.
We have been aware of how unsatisfied the planet can be. It is showing that unsatisfaction with extreme weather all over, droughts, and fire. More recently the news of a catastrophic eruption of the volcano called “Viejo Cumbre” in the Canary Islands is scary and destructive. For those who are not aware, the Canary Islands are an archipelago near the Atlantic coast of Africa that belongs to Spain.
Not enough with the magnitude of that volcanic eruption, which is swiping away villages, roads, and farms, one in Iceland and another in Italy started erupting, and others all over the globe as well.
The planet is reacting in a strong way and sending a message to all of us.
Are those who make billions listening? Are governments of powerful countries doing something other than noise? I don’t think so.
Below is a map of currently erupting volcanos on the Globe from Volcano Discovery.

image sources
- active-volcano-map2-2021-09-24: Volcano Discovery (https://www.volcanodiscovery.com/daily-map-of-active-volcanoes.html)
- volcano-2262295_1920: Pixabay