Around the World
10 Amazing places created by man – The Parthenon, Petra – Part 3

10 Amazing places created by man – The Parthenon, Petra – Part 3


The Parthenon
The Parthenon

The Parthenon is a Greek monument that started being built in 447 BC on the Athenian acropolis.

The Parthenon was a symbol of democracy, civilization, power, culture, and wealth in Greece. It was used for religious purposes, being dedicated to the goddess Athena, the patroness of Athens.


Petra - Jordan
Petra – Jordan

Petra is a city carved in the sandstone rocks of the Jordanian desert.

It’s the most visited site in Jordan after appearing in an Indiana Jones movie in 1984.

It’s dated to around 300 BC

image sources

  • by nonbirinonko from Pixabay-greece-1594689_1920: Pixabay
  • petra-g50ce5ca76_1920: Pixabay
  • Dias-2-acropolis-12044_1280: Pixabay

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