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Coffee, a commodity of great value

Coffee, a commodity of great value

Let’s talk about coffee. About the coffee aroma that awakens our energy in the early mornings, in any season.

About the contagious fragrance that brings us a sort of comfort and satisfaction, something we cannot miss in our daily routine.

With Climate change, there will not be much more time ahead for our favorite drink to be easily available. It will become scarce and out of reach for many ordinary people.

Climate changes are taking their toll on that very special drink and there is no doubt that they will affect tremendously the cultivation of coffee.

Coffee plants grow only in specific conditions. The ideal places for the cultivation of Coffea Arabica are being dismantled by raising temperatures, severe winters with low temperatures, and soil erosion due to Climate change.

Coffee plantation in Brazil
Freese burned coffee trees in Sao Paulo state in Brazil – 2021

Saving the Coffee plant will be an enormous challenge for farmers. Beyond Curiosity has followed what is happening with coffee plantations all over the world and how extreme weather has affected the plant which the precious beverage is made of.

Among so many changes happening in the world nowadays all over the planet, we must be aware of this one and adapt to it. Coffee drinking habits may become a souvenir of a wonderful thing of the past.

Let’s enjoy it now and hope for the best.

image sources

  • IMG_20210917_121545311_HDR-edited: ©
  • pixabay-coffee-g922a82b30_1920: Pixabay

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