News & Current Events
COVID: Another year of Uncertainty

COVID: Another year of Uncertainty

Another year of uncertainty with a virus that insists on prevailing over humanity. What will it be from now on? Will the pandemic finish in 2022 following the Spanish Flu’s duration of 2 years? How long more will the virus torment the planet, take lives, push people to the edge causing physical and mental pain?

Will the ones who act like virus spreaders, those who fight against the use of masks and the vaccine survive? Will they be refused treatment in hospitals?

That no one dares to risk a prediction of how the malady will behave from now on only serves to increase our state of anguish.

Many more concerns surge in our minds when we see thousands of children growing up without parents when we know that many victims of a severe case are still with all the virus’s painful symptoms.

The only clear thing that comes into our mind is that the world will not be the same, even believing that this is not the beginning of a mass extinction event.

Let’s look at the bright side though and go on with the new normal, finding a way to be useful to ourselves, to our families, and to the planet.

image sources

  • corona-g28ba59363_1920: Pixabay

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