Our planet – Many Questions, Few Answers

Our planet – Many Questions, Few Answers

In these times when billionaires spend fortunes on a few minutes in “space” to see the planet from above when dreamers have desires to conquer, to reach other planets at abysmal distances we wonder: do they understand the need to decipher the mysteries of Earth?

It is not possible to understand the dynamic of our planet which is constantly speeding, riding on an infinite trip in a human lifetime.

We feel that our life is too short to understand the planet and where it is being led on its timeless journey.

Places on our Planet don’t allow human life. Due to the extremes of climate being too cold, hot, or dry, just reminds us that we are fragile creatures, allowed to survive only in specific conditions of oxygen, water, gravity, and food.

Life is a miracle on a surface with many mysteries, anomalies that we cannot completely comprehend.

Beyond Curiosity picked one of the most intriguing phenomena of the planet Earth to be looked at – The Antarctic Circumpolar Current.

The Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) is the astonishing Ocean Current that encircles Antarctica. It keeps the continent cold and distributes freshwater among the oceans. It doesn’t allow the cold to escape from the mainland and doesn’t let the heat come in as well. It works in a perfect way of natural engineering creating big waves and protecting the huge mass of land of the Antarctic continent.

There are other anomalies occurring on the planet that escape our knowledge. So why look for what we cannot reach, for the unknown before understanding our planet the home of all of us?

image sources

  • Antarctic_Circumpolar_Current: NASA, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

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