Around the World
The Miracle of Water

The Miracle of Water

Beyond Curiosity is looking into the importance of water as an essential element for life on the planet and how dire the consequences of the present shortage of water could be for humanity. 

First let’s mention the astonishing beauty of water, especially those ocean waters that attract our mind like nothing else except, perhaps, for the splendor of a starry night. 

Glass in water

The blue and emerald colors bring us feelings of joy, calmness, and well-being. We feel entirely connected with the Universe. The magnitude of the beauty of seawater doesn’t diminish its importance though.  

Water is a substance that is transparent, visible, touchable, with weight, and has no aroma and no taste but with enormous force in its liquid and solid form.  

Water is the only substance on Earth that can exist in three states – solid, liquid, and gas. It is the source of life but also with a strong capacity for destruction and death. 

Water, one of the elements vital for our existence, escapes from our imagination how it was really created. Some try to explain several ways how water was created, but really no one knows exactly what the process of creation was.  

Water (H2O) is composed of Hydrogen and Oxygen but according to the Encyclopedia Britannica: “although the molecules of water are simple in structure (H2O) the physical and chemical properties of the compound are not typical of most substances found on Earth”. 

In simple words, the solid state of water is denser than the liquid state, though ice cubes can float in a glass of liquid water. Something that defies chemical principles. 


Water should be preserved, valued in all possible ways, should be venerated religiously like a divine entity because water is life and without water, there are no colors, no beauty, no nothing.  

image sources

  • Glass water Beyond Curiosity Pixabay: Pixabay
  • Water Beyond Curiosity Pixabay: Pixabay
  • Ocean water: Pixabay

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