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Fast Fashion – A Disturbing Industry

Fast Fashion – A Disturbing Industry

Fast Fashion is one of the elements threatening our planet, it is the maximum symbol of consumerism and waste in a world hurt by extreme weather, and natural disasters like drought, floods, and rising ocean waters.

Though criticized, fast fashion is exploding in production and sales, spreading all over the Globe like a virus, taking the manufacture and retailing of clothing out of local companies.

Fast fashion is described as the production of inexpensive clothing, quickly designed with low-quality material that is designed to be worn a few times and then discarded. These collections are often based on the most recent trends and are intended to be worn for a short period of time before being replaced by new styles.

Fast fashion is made with lower-quality materials and at a lower cost than traditional fashion, making it accessible to a wider range of consumers. However, the quick turnover of styles and the use of cheaper materials can have negative impacts on the environment and on the people who work in the factories where the clothing is produced.

Fast fashion contributes to pollution, water scarcity, and deforestation, and it also generates a significant amount of waste.

Synthetic fibers (polyester, acrylic, nylon, etc.), which are used in the majority of fast fashion garments, are made using fossil fuels. Their production accounts for millions of barrels of oil used annually to produce the raw material polyethylene terephthalate (PET), before the fabric is further treated.

Additionally, fast fashion often relies on exploitative labor practices, with workers in developing countries in almost slave labor conditions being paid low wages and working in poor conditions.

These workers are exposed to toxic materials such as paint to dye the fabrics. They get sick from touching these toxic chemicals and from exhaustive hours of work. Much of the fast-fashion clothing contains Azo dyes, which are a group of cheap dyes that produce strong colors of clothing. These dyes have a carcinogenic effect. Human skin can easily absorb it and possibly leading to skin and eye irritation.

To reduce the damage caused by fast fashion, consumers should restrain from buying low-quality clothing, invest in higher-quality garments that will last longer, and above all support companies that are committed to sustainable practices.

How can people stop fast fashion to grow and avoid damage to the planet and the health of people who work in the activity? How to stop the consumption of products like fast fashion made by slave labor?

There are several ways that individuals can take action to reduce the environmental and social impacts of fast fashion:

  1. Buy less and choose quality over quantity: Choose to purchase higher-quality garments that will last longer and are less likely to end up in landfills.
  2. Support sustainable brands: Look for brands that are committed to sustainable practices, such as using organic cotton or using recycled materials in their clothing.
  3. Be a conscious consumer: Be aware of the environmental and social impact of the clothing you buy and make a conscious effort to choose brands and products that align with your values.
  4. Support fair labor practices: Avoid buying products made by slave labor and support brands that have fair labor practices and workers’ rights.
  5. Speak up: Use your voice and speak out against fast fashion and support movements that are working to change the fashion industry.
  6. Educate others: Share information about the impacts of fast fashion and encourage others to make more sustainable choices.

Ultimately, it is a combination of these actions that can help stop the growth of fast fashion and the damage it causes to the planet and the health of people who work in the industry.

image sources

  • Fast fashion Beyond Curiosity: ©

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