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Mass Transportation: A Viable Solution to Reduce Carbon Emissions

Mass Transportation: A Viable Solution to Reduce Carbon Emissions

The issue of reducing carbon emissions is a complex one that requires multiple solutions. While electric vehicles (EVs) have been touted as a solution, there are concerns about the human risks and costs associated with their production, as well as their affordability for the average person. Mass transportation offers a more viable solution to reducing emissions and minimizing individual car use.

The extraction of minerals required to manufacture electric batteries has been associated with human rights abuses, particularly in regions where the mining takes place. In addition, the cost of producing electric cars remains high, making them unaffordable for many individuals. While the production of EVs is expected to become cheaper as technology advances and economies of scale are achieved, this will take time.

According to the UN, cobalt mine sites often contain sulfur, which generates sulfuric acid when exposed to air and water. This process wreaks havoc on rivers, streams, and aquatic life, creating damage that can last for hundreds of years. Such environmental damage needs to be considered when choosing solutions to reduce carbon emissions.

On the other hand, mass transportation offers an immediate solution to reducing carbon emissions. By making trains and other forms of public transport cheaper and more efficient than individual cars, people will be incentivized to use them. This could be achieved through government subsidies, tax incentives, or other measures that reduce the cost of public transport.

Trains, in particular, offer a number of advantages. They are highly efficient, using far less energy per passenger mile than cars or trucks. They are also less polluting, with emissions per passenger mile being far lower than for individual cars. Moreover, trains can be configured with different classes of service, allowing people to choose a level of comfort and service that meets their needs and budget.

Tramway in Dijon
Tramway in Dijon

In big cities, trains can significantly improve air quality and reduce congestion. By offering frequent, reliable service, they can encourage people to leave their cars at home, reducing traffic and emissions. In addition, by replacing trucks, trains can reduce the amount of freight traffic on the roads, further reducing emissions.

In conclusion, while electric vehicles offer a promising solution to reducing carbon emissions, mass transportation offers a more immediate and effective solution. By making public transport cheaper, more efficient, and more attractive than individual cars, we can reduce the amount of carbon emitted into the atmosphere while also improving air quality, reducing congestion, and cutting costs. We should take into consideration the environmental damage caused by the production of electric batteries and choose the solution that has the least impact on our planet.

image sources

  • Oberhausen_West_Rhein_Cargo_187_077_containers_(51252673508): Wikimedia Commons

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