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Multiple Actors in the Amazon Deforestation

Multiple Actors in the Amazon Deforestation

The Amazon Forest has been knocked down step by step without much worry from Amazonian countries’ governments. They have been accused and cursed for an environmental crime that can impact the climate of the planet and somehow, they are the principal perpetrators of the disgrace.

A country that is satisfied with exporting commodities, giving away the indispensable resource that is water deserves to be treated as the offender in such crimes. But we must remember the other nations that are complicit that buy the wood taken away from the forest. Legally or illegally the results are the same, be it the deforestation, the evaporation of the water system, and consequent desertification of these regions and the amazing system of water and forests that compose the Amazon region, they are jointly responsible.

The Amazon rainforest is one of the most biodiverse and ecologically important regions on the planet. It is home to countless species of plants and animals and plays a vital role in regulating the global climate. However, despite its importance, the forest has been facing a serious threat in recent years: deforestation.

Deforestation in the Amazon is an environmental crime that has been happening step by step, without much worry from the governments of the countries in which the forest is located. These governments have been accused and cursed for an environmental crime that can impact the climate of the planet and somehow, they are the principal perpetrators of the disgrace. The countries of the Amazon region, such as Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, and Colombia, have been criticized for their lack of action to protect the forest, and for prioritizing economic development over preservation.

A country that is satisfied with exporting commodities, giving away the indispensable resource that is water deserves to be treated as the offender in such crimes. The Amazon rainforest is a source of numerous resources, including timber, rubber, and minerals, which have been exploited by these countries for economic gain. The result is that large swaths of the forest have been cleared for agriculture and mining, and the destruction continues to this day.

But we have to remember the other nations that are complicit that buy the wood taken away from the forest. Legally or illegally the results are the same, be the deforestation, the evaporation of the water system, and consequent desertification of these regions and the amazing system of water and forests that compose the Amazon region. The demand for these resources from other countries, such as the United States, Europe, and China, has driven the destruction of the forest, as illegal logging and land grabbing continue to occur.

The consequences of deforestation in the Amazon are far-reaching and devastating. The loss of the forest’s biodiversity is a tragedy in and of itself, but it also has a few other negative impacts. The destruction of the forest leads to the evaporation of water systems, which in turn causes desertification of the surrounding regions. This has a ripple effect on the global climate, as the forest plays a vital role in regulating temperature and precipitation patterns.

In conclusion, the destruction of the Amazon rainforest is an environmental crime that needs to be addressed immediately. The governments of the countries in which the forest is located must take responsibility for protecting it and preserving its resources as much as other countries that are complicit in the destruction of the forest, through their demand for resources, must also take action to reduce their impact. The Amazon rainforest is a vital part of our planet and must be protected for the sake of all living beings.

image sources

  • Amazon deforestation AFP Carl de Souza: Carl de Souza - AFP

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