“Baked In” Global Warming Higher than Thought

“Baked In” Global Warming refers to the amount of warming that will occur due to the gasses (carbon dioxide, methane, etc.) already put into the atmosphere. This is also referred to by scientists as “committed warming”. In a recently published paper in Nature, scientists have determined that the amount of warming due to already released gasses will exceed the goal […]

Rare Painted Bunting spotted in Maryland park

This weekend a rare Painted Bunting (Passerina ciris) was spotted in a Washington area park. Perhaps this was a sign of a better year to come. Birders from all around showed up to see the unusual visitor, the Washington Post reported. Leader photo by By Doug Janson – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, courtesy of Wikipedia.

In issuing new dietary guidelines, Trump once again spurns science

From the Washington Post, 3 January, 2021: “A GROUP of 20 doctors, nutritionists and public health experts from the country’s major academic centers was hired by the federal government to assist in the formulation of new dietary guidelines. This independent advisory committee, charged with offering science-based advice on what to eat and drink to meet nutritional needs and reduce the […]

Rare Bush Dog Sighted in Brazil

A rare Bush Dog sighted in Brazil. The Bush Dog (Speothos venaticus) is also called the Vinegar Dog, and was recently caught on a camera trap in the privately-owned Reserva Natural Serra do Tombador in the municipality of Cavalcante in Goias state. The reserve, which is maintained by Fundação Grupo Boticário de Proteção à Natureza, has been surveying the local […]

Climate and Disease – Part I

Dengue is a tropical, vector spread disease which has become endemic in all hemispheres of the world. The two primary vectors, Aedes aegypti, and Aedes albopictus are present in much of the US and are spreading due to climactic and human factors.