Agapanthus beauty

Agapanthus is an exquisite plant that can add elegance to any garden. Also known as Lily of the Nile or African lily, it is an herbaceous perennial that produces beautiful clusters of trumpet-shaped flowers once a year. Despite its name, Agapanthus is not a lily but rather belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family. It is a versatile plant that can be […]


Globalization has been praised for promoting international trade and reducing the likelihood of conflicts between countries. However, the reality of globalization has been far more complex, with negative impacts on jobs, wages, and the environment. One of the most significant problems with globalization has been the way in which it has led to the outsourcing of jobs to countries with […]

Genius of Humanity – Galileo Galilei

Galileo Galilei was truly a universal genius who lived a life that was full of achievements, controversy, and legacy. Born in Pisa, Italy in 1564, Galileo was a polymath who excelled in many fields, including astronomy, physics, cosmology, mathematics, and philosophy. He was also a talented musician, following in the footsteps of his father who was a musician as well. […]

Bees, those amazing insects

Bees are indeed amazing insects, and their ability to produce honey, a natural sweetener and a superfood that contains antioxidants, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals, is just one of their many fascinating characteristics. In terms of navigation, bees use a combination of visual cues and scents to find their way back to the hive. They are able to memorize the landscape […]

Genius of Humanity – Nicolau Copernicus

Nicolau Copernicus was a true genius of humanity, a brilliant astronomer and mathematician who revolutionized our understanding of the universe with his heliocentric theory. During the time of Copernicus, the prevailing belief among scholars and the general public was that the Earth was the center of the universe, and the Sun, the Moon, and the planets revolved around it. However, […]

Multiple Actors in the Amazon Deforestation

The Amazon Forest has been knocked down step by step without much worry from Amazonian countries’ governments. They have been accused and cursed for an environmental crime that can impact the climate of the planet and somehow, they are the principal perpetrators of the disgrace. A country that is satisfied with exporting commodities, giving away the indispensable resource that is […]

The Haunts of Wars

When we think about past wars and tell ourselves that the past is behind us and cannot come back, we are often confronted with the reality of new conflicts and battles. Despite the progress and advancements that humanity has made in terms of technology, social development, and political stability, we are still plagued by the destructive nature of war. It […]

Fast Fashion – A Disturbing Industry

Fast Fashion is one of the elements threatening our planet, it is the maximum symbol of consumerism and waste in a world hurt by extreme weather, and natural disasters like drought, floods, and rising ocean waters. Though criticized, fast fashion is exploding in production and sales, spreading all over the Globe like a virus, taking the manufacture and retailing of […]

Fanaticism – A Lesson Not Learned

Fanaticism is a human practice or behavior that has plagued the world throughout the centuries. Fanaticism is a lesson not learned by humankind through the centuries. Fanaticism is a mental condition translated by an absolute and erroneous devotion to a person, a cause, an ideology, a racial supremacy, or a country. That absolute and unconditional devotion to a person or […]

The Miracle of Water

Beyond Curiosity is looking into the importance of water as an essential element for life on the planet and how dire the consequences of the present shortage of water could be for humanity.  First let’s mention the astonishing beauty of water, especially those ocean waters that attract our mind like nothing else except, perhaps, for the splendor of a starry […]