Our planet – Many Questions, Few Answers

In these times when billionaires spend fortunes on a few minutes in “space” to see the planet from above when dreamers have desires to conquer, to reach other planets at abysmal distances we wonder: do they understand the need to decipher the mysteries of Earth? It is not possible to understand the dynamic of our planet which is constantly speeding, […]

COVID: Another year of Uncertainty

Another year of uncertainty with a virus that insists on prevailing over humanity. What will it be from now on? Will the pandemic finish in 2022 following the Spanish Flu’s duration of 2 years? How long more will the virus torment the planet, take lives, push people to the edge causing physical and mental pain? Will the ones who act […]

Coffee, a commodity of great value

Let’s talk about coffee. About the coffee aroma that awakens our energy in the early mornings, in any season. About the contagious fragrance that brings us a sort of comfort and satisfaction, something we cannot miss in our daily routine. With Climate change, there will not be much more time ahead for our favorite drink to be easily available. It […]

10 Amazing places created by man – The Colosseum, The Pyramids – Part 5

THE COLOSSEUM The Colosseum is the biggest Roman amphitheater and most iconic symbol of ancient Rome which holds more than 50,000 spectators. The Colosseum was built by Emperor Vespasian 70-72 AD and is situated in downtown Rome. The Colosseum was a huge theater where violence and brutality were served as entertainment. Wild animals were brought from far away to fight, […]

10 Amazing places created by man – The Nazca Lines, The Terracotta Warriors – Part 2

NAZCA LINES The Nazca Lines are mysterious ground drawings, only seen from above, with images of animals and plants. Nazca Lines were scraped in Peru in an area of 1000 sq kilometers of the Nazca sand desert. Discovered by Peruvian archeologist Toribio Mejía Xesspe in 1927, after more than 1,000 years no one knows how they were made. These pre-Colombian […]

10 Amazing places created by man – The Alhambra, The Odeon of Herodes Atticus – Part 1

THE ALHAMBRA The Alhambra is a colossal palace and fortress located in the city of Granada in the Andalusia region of Spain. Construction started in 1238 during the Moorish occupation of Spain. Alhambra means “the red one” in Arabic, due to the terracotta color of its walls. The Alhambra’s suspended gardens are a unique wonder, a paradise of tranquility and […]