Animal Reaction to Climate Disturbance?

We have read headlines like these all over the mainstream media about unusual animal behavior: But why? We have recently read all this news about the weird behavior of animals toward humans. In my view after the pandemic things have changed dramatically, Covid itself affected all of us emotionally. Is climate change affecting animal behavior? What is it about this […]

The Miracle of Water

Beyond Curiosity is looking into the importance of water as an essential element for life on the planet and how dire the consequences of the present shortage of water could be for humanity.  First let’s mention the astonishing beauty of water, especially those ocean waters that attract our mind like nothing else except, perhaps, for the splendor of a starry […]

The discontent of our planet!

Our planet, a creature of many secrets, follows the track of an eternal voyage through the Universe. Our planet is something magic, alive, pulsing, moving, reacting, changing, and continuing on an undefined trip.  Earth our planet, acts against the multitude of threats from space and from what its inhabitants do to its own body. Our planet is a celestial body […]

The Origins of Coffee

Coffea arabica is believed to be originally from Ethiopia. and is linked to numerous stories many of them not credible! One of the legends about the origins of coffee is linked to a pastor of goats. He mentioned that once the animals ate the coffee berries, they behaved more energetically and actively. If the tale is not a credible story, […]

“Baked In” Global Warming Higher than Thought

“Baked In” Global Warming refers to the amount of warming that will occur due to the gasses (carbon dioxide, methane, etc.) already put into the atmosphere. This is also referred to by scientists as “committed warming”. In a recently published paper in Nature, scientists have determined that the amount of warming due to already released gasses will exceed the goal […]

Climate and Disease – Part I

Dengue is a tropical, vector spread disease which has become endemic in all hemispheres of the world. The two primary vectors, Aedes aegypti, and Aedes albopictus are present in much of the US and are spreading due to climactic and human factors.

A Look at the Amazon

Only when the last tree has been cut down, the last fish been caught, and the last stream poisoned, will we realize we cannot eat money. – Cree Indian Prophecy The Amazon forest is a major element of climate stability in most of South America. The rainforest also affects the rest of the planet. The forest regulates the rain cycle […]