Beyond Borders: The Complex Realities of Globalization

In the not-so-distant past, the concept of globalization held the promise of a harmonious world, where trade would act as a magic potion, uniting people across borders, ethnicities, and religions. The belief was that economic interdependence could be the key to averting disputes, wars, and discrimination. As the globalized world unfolded, it seemed that nations had finally achieved a state […]

Animal Reaction to Climate Disturbance?

We have read headlines like these all over the mainstream media about unusual animal behavior: But why? We have recently read all this news about the weird behavior of animals toward humans. In my view after the pandemic things have changed dramatically, Covid itself affected all of us emotionally. Is climate change affecting animal behavior? What is it about this […]

Mass Transportation: A Viable Solution to Reduce Carbon Emissions

The issue of reducing carbon emissions is a complex one that requires multiple solutions. While electric vehicles (EVs) have been touted as a solution, there are concerns about the human risks and costs associated with their production, as well as their affordability for the average person. Mass transportation offers a more viable solution to reducing emissions and minimizing individual car […]

Did AI come To Help Humanity?

AI has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our lives, from healthcare to transportation to education. However, as with any powerful tool, there is always a risk that it could be misused by bad actors for harmful purposes. This is a concern that should be taken seriously and addressed proactively. One way to mitigate the risks of AI falling […]

Protecting Children in a World of Social Media

As technology continues to evolve and become an increasingly integral part of our lives, parents and caregivers are increasingly concerned about the impact of the internet and social media on children. With easy access to a vast array of content, including both positive and negative material, children are at risk of being exposed to harmful or inappropriate content that can […]

Vertical Farming – A Promising Solution to Food Security

Vertical farming is an innovative method of agriculture that has emerged as a promising solution to food security. It involves growing crops in stacked layers, using artificial lighting, temperature control, and nutrient-rich water solutions. This controlled environment technology has numerous benefits, including higher yields, reduced water usage, and locally grown produce. By growing crops in vertical farms, the space required […]


Globalization has been praised for promoting international trade and reducing the likelihood of conflicts between countries. However, the reality of globalization has been far more complex, with negative impacts on jobs, wages, and the environment. One of the most significant problems with globalization has been the way in which it has led to the outsourcing of jobs to countries with […]

Multiple Actors in the Amazon Deforestation

The Amazon Forest has been knocked down step by step without much worry from Amazonian countries’ governments. They have been accused and cursed for an environmental crime that can impact the climate of the planet and somehow, they are the principal perpetrators of the disgrace. A country that is satisfied with exporting commodities, giving away the indispensable resource that is […]

The Haunts of Wars

When we think about past wars and tell ourselves that the past is behind us and cannot come back, we are often confronted with the reality of new conflicts and battles. Despite the progress and advancements that humanity has made in terms of technology, social development, and political stability, we are still plagued by the destructive nature of war. It […]

Switching to Renewable Energy – Benefits with Unintended Consequences

Switching from a fossil fuel energy matrix to renewable energy has many benefits, including: It’s worth noting that each renewable energy source has its unique benefits and drawbacks, so a mix of different renewable energy sources is often seen as the most effective way to achieve a sustainable energy system. The conversion to renewable energy sources has many benefits as […]