Geniuses of Mankind – Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla’s legacy to mankind has been obscured by that of his one-time employer and rival, Thomas Edison. Tesla was an engineer and scientist who obtained more than 700 patents. While most famous for alternating current, induction motors, and electric generators, Tesla made significant contributions in the areas of x-rays, lighting, wireless communications, and many others. Tesla was born in […]

Geniuses of Mankind – Albert Einstein

Some special human beings emerge from time to time throughout the world, at varying intervals. What makes these outstanding beings so special? These fascinating minds bringing ideas, creations in science, music, painting, sculpture, writing, taking shape in harmony, they are human gems. What makes them so different from ordinary people? They come and they go in the short time of […]

Has the Sailing Stones mystery been solved?

One of the more intriguing mysteries in the natural world is found deep in the backcountry of Death Valley National Park in California. The park is located in southwestern California, roughly between Las Vegas NV, and Bakersfield. The park has a dry lake or playa where the stones can be found. Many theories have been advanced to try to explain […]

What is driving Amazon Deforestation?

In order to understand what is driving Amazon deforestation, we need to examine the entire process. We need to step back from the individual phases and see the overall picture. As we examine the full cycle of the deforestation process we can get a clearer view, and perhaps see what is the major contributing factor. It starts with illegal felling […]

“Baked In” Global Warming Higher than Thought

“Baked In” Global Warming refers to the amount of warming that will occur due to the gasses (carbon dioxide, methane, etc.) already put into the atmosphere. This is also referred to by scientists as “committed warming”. In a recently published paper in Nature, scientists have determined that the amount of warming due to already released gasses will exceed the goal […]

Rare Painted Bunting spotted in Maryland park

This weekend a rare Painted Bunting (Passerina ciris) was spotted in a Washington area park. Perhaps this was a sign of a better year to come. Birders from all around showed up to see the unusual visitor, the Washington Post reported. Leader photo by By Doug Janson – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, courtesy of Wikipedia.

In issuing new dietary guidelines, Trump once again spurns science

From the Washington Post, 3 January, 2021: “A GROUP of 20 doctors, nutritionists and public health experts from the country’s major academic centers was hired by the federal government to assist in the formulation of new dietary guidelines. This independent advisory committee, charged with offering science-based advice on what to eat and drink to meet nutritional needs and reduce the […]

Rare Bush Dog Sighted in Brazil

A rare Bush Dog sighted in Brazil. The Bush Dog (Speothos venaticus) is also called the Vinegar Dog, and was recently caught on a camera trap in the privately-owned Reserva Natural Serra do Tombador in the municipality of Cavalcante in Goias state. The reserve, which is maintained by Fundação Grupo Boticário de Proteção à Natureza, has been surveying the local […]

Pantanal Fires

An environmental tragedy in the Pantanal marked 2020. In the last Southern Hemisphere spring dantesque scenes of fire were shown on TV to terrified Brazilians. An area of approximately 24,000 square kilometers was lost as of September 2020, impacting the lives of endangered species, and ecosystems. The flames devastated about 10% of one of the most important biomes in the […]